Day #1: AWS Zero To Hero


3 min read

Day #1: AWS Zero To Hero
  • Learn about the different pricing models offered by AWS and write a post in own words.

  • Differentiate between on-premises, on-cloud, and hybrid cloud computing models.

  • Explore IAAS, PAAS and SAAS with examples.

Different pricing models offered by AWS and write a post in own words.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers different pricing models to help businesses manage their cloud costs effectively. Let's break down these models in simple terms:


  • Think of this like paying for what you use, similar to your electricity bill. You only pay for the resources (like servers or storage) that you actually use, without any long-term commitments.

Reserved Instances (RIs):

  • With RI's, you commit to using a certain amount of resources for a period (like renting a house for a year). In return, you get a discount on your usage costs, making it cheaper in the long run if you have predictable needs.

Savings Plans:

  • These are like buying in bulk. You commit to a certain amount of usage (measured in dollars per hour) for a period, and in exchange, you get a discount on your bill. It's great for businesses with consistent usage.

Spot Instances:

  • Imagine getting a discount on a flight ticket because it's last minute. Spot Instances work similarly โ€“ you bid for unused cloud capacity, and if your bid is accepted, you get the resources at a lower price. But, they can be taken away if someone else bids higher.

Data Transfer Pricing:

  • AWS charges for moving data in and out of their services, but it's usually free if it stays within AWS. So, be mindful of how much data you're moving around.

Differentiate between on-premises, on-cloud, and hybrid cloud computing models.

  1. On-Premises:

    • Resources managed in own physical data centers.

    • Full control over hardware and software.

    • Upfront capital investment and maintenance costs.

  2. On-Cloud (AWS):

    • Cloud services over the internet (e.g., EC2, S3).

    • Scalability, flexibility, pay-as-you-go model.

    • Reduced operational overhead.

  3. Hybrid Cloud:

    • Combines on-premises with cloud resources.

    • Seamless integration via AWS services (e.g., Outposts, Direct Connect).

    • Optimize based on specific needs, leverage existing investments.

Explore IAAS, PAAS and SAAS.

IAAS (Infrastructure as a service) and PAAS(Platform as a service),SAAS(Software as a service)

  1. IAAS: Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet.

    • Example: AWS EC2, offering scalable compute power and storage.
  2. PAAS: Offers a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without dealing with the underlying infrastructure complexities.

    • Example: AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications.
  3. SAAS: Delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis, eliminating the need for installation or maintenance.

    • Example: AWS SaaS solutions like Amazon Workspaces for virtual desktops.


If you have any questions, need clarifications, or want to discuss anything related to cloud technologies, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn. Connect with me at Shubham Gour, and I'll be more than happy to assist you. ๐Ÿ˜Š
